Monday, November 12, 2007

Fashionably late...

For years, I've wanted to start a blog. In fact, I wanted to jump on board the "blog-bandwagon" long before that wagon was even built. Now, here I am FINALLY getting my feet wet in the blogosphere, and the bandwagon has not only left the station, but it has converted from horse to steam to electric.

Yes, I am quite late for the party.

To be fair, I have been "blogging" on MYSPACE for the last few years, but that doesn't really doesn't count now, does it?

Anyway... I really don't have too much to say at the moment. Its a mellow Monday - I am off from work (thank you, Veterans), although I do have a ton of work to do for school (I'm in my final semester of my Master's program at Pace University, and the work is being piled on at the end), and I am procrastinating as usual. Hence, the sudden start to this project I planned on beginning YEARS ago...


macgeekgrl said...

Yes, you're late to the party, but at least it didn't take you 9 months to follow my lead this time ;-)

Sean said...

You realize that anyone who reads that comment will take it COMPLETELY out of context... lol

macgeekgrl said...

Perhaps, yes, but let the masses wonder.